Journey into The Unknown-Early 20th Century Immigration to the United States

Teacher Page
Teacher Page


Journey into the Unknown


A web quest for 8th grade

US History

designed by

Patricia Hutton

  1. Learners:
    This web quest is designed for eighth grade
    US History students.  It is specifically created to address the needs of students with different learning styles and to appeal to multiple intelligences.  In order to successfully complete the web quest, students must comprehend and analyze source documents through reading, watching videos, and listening to audio accounts.  The students must also work cooperatively as part of a group to evaluate their material and then apply it in a new setting.  They need to be familiar with PowerPoint or other presentation programs.  These skills are addressed earlier in the year in my class through activities designed to develop technological competence.
  2. Prior to completing this webquest, students will discuss the reasons that people might immigrate to a new country.  This discussion will be linked to a previous study of the original American settlers and to world conditions during the stated period.
  3. Technological requirements: Experience with presentation programs and PowerPoint, research tools
  4. Standards:   .shtml#NS-USH.5-12.6

This link connects to national standards from the National Center for Social Studies in the Schools that are reflected in the web quest.  Edison Township, New Jersey EIB (Essential Instructional Behavior) standards are reflected in the development of technological competencies and in the writing to communicate requirements.  District curriculum is also addressed in the questions presented for the study of immigration.

        E.  Credits:

 The author would like to acknowledge Tom March's site which provided many useful links to templates and to planning guides.

I also thank all the instructors in all the online technology courses I have taken who broke the instruction into easy to manage chunks and are open to answering any questions.  Without their help, I would not have been able to create the above activity.  I would also like to thank the teachers in Thomas Jefferson Middle School who offered suggestions and advice.

 The Teach-nology website provided help in creating assessment tools and general inspiration. Free resources provided by Holt, Reinhart, Winston and Prentice Hall were useful references for students.

I also respectfully thank my many wonderful colleagues who willingly share information and strategies. Last but not least, I would especially like to thank my students.  They have provided the motivation to continually improve my skills in using technology in the classroom.  They are my light

 F.       Contact information
            To contact the author:     





Journey into The Unknown-Early 20th Century Immigration to the United States